What does history reveal about the phenotype of both King Charles I, & King Charles II?

“When Charles I rode behind Mrs Jane Lane in her father’s livery, to the house of Sir George Norton, his supposed mistress, the better to conceal him ordered him into the kitchen; where he was struck by the cook-maid, and called a black blockhead…his son, Charles II who inherited his father’s black brows and swarthy complexion” (The Tatler, 1882, p.438 vol III).

Text describing the deceased body of King Charles I: “The complexion of the skin was dark and discoloured. The back part of the scalp was entirely perfect and had a remarkably fresh appearance, nearly black. A portion of it, which has been since cleaned and dried is of a beautiful dark brown colour“(Memoirs of the Court of England during the Reign of the Stuarts, 1855, p.476, vol I)

The great seal of King Charles II- he was clearly a Black man. (Eve, 1907, p.110).

“Charles Leno, Duke of Richmond, is son to King Charles the Second by the Dutchess of Portsmouth…well shaped, Black complexion, much like King Charles” (Macky,1733, p.36).

“Charles, Duke of St Albans, is son to King Charles the Second by Mrs Gwy. He is of a Black complexion… very like King Charles” (Macky, 1733, p.36).

Where does ‘Charles III’ fit within this lineage?

Dr Marie Charles Director MFIT: https://mfit.productions

2 thoughts on “What does history reveal about the phenotype of both King Charles I, & King Charles II?

  1. thank you Dr Marie charles your work is fascinating and very uplifting for those of us that have not had our consciouseness shut down. i will buy all your books and its a pity that so many others dont know who they really are.
    we are the FBB’s.


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