The Moritzburg Treasure of Moorish Germany-Dresden

The Mortizburg treasure is housed in The Green Vault (Grunes Gewolbe) located in Dresden, which contains the largest treasure collection in Europe. The Original People seen here are not on display to the public on entry to the museum.

NB: The final frame in this slide-show presentation is titled: ‘The Moor’s Head Cup’ and was valued at £2,000,000 in 1999. (The Moritzburg Treasure. Silver and Works of Art from the Royal House of Saxony by Sotheby’s (1999, p.50)

This German tapestry is titled: Wild men and moors (1440), the scene depicted is located near Strasbourg. The Original People of Germany are seen here defending their castle from invading forces.

Wild men and moors (ca.1440) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (

Ancient origins of the word ‘Ana’ (Song choice for slideshow: Yasiin Bey aka Mos Def & Marvin Gaye)

Buana-‘Good mother’, the Irish Goddess as a cow, recalling Hathor or Cow-Eyed Hera who was also the Irish Goddess Eriu (Eire). Like all other versions of the milk-giving Mother she represented wealth or plenty. Thus, her name Ana came to be synonymous with abundance. (Walker, 1983, p.122. The Woman’s Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets)

The Egyptian word Tanaya is widely understood to refer to Danaoi, or Danaans, an old name for the Greeks used by Homer” (Poe, 1997, Black Spark White Fire, p.131). The Tuatha de Dananns of ancient Ireland were black and were also known as the tribes of Ana.

The Anu- Twa-Khoi Khoi are the Original People of the planet.