Teaching Unit: Genesis of Geometry

Here is an example of the ‘Genesis of Geometry’ unit and the teaching sessions. Contact the team for more information.

MFIT teaching sessions (sample summaries/resources supplied By MFIT)

Unit Theme: Genesis of Geometry

Session 1:

Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gall-Peters_projection

Resources: Peters projection map of the world; Mercator projection map; Map of the United Kingdom; Artefact from Blombos caves.

Focus of learning: The Unit’s introductory session is based around the teaching group(s) and a discussion of types of map projections. What does this mean historically, socially and geographically? This extends into the students/children’s discussion/interaction with the fact that triangles had been carved in Africa 77,000 years Before Current Era (BCE).

Session 2:

Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike4.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0). http://stonestrider/com/category/ireland

Resources: Lanarkshire stone artefact; Newgrange carved stone; Kemetic Min; Maps from session 1.

Focus of learning: This session is an exploration of carved triangles from its African genesis and the global connections of triangles. The session will also focus on the importance of cultural continuity and the material aspects held sacred by the ancient people of the land.

Session 3:

Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0) http://www.AfricanCreationEnergy.com

Resources: Visual illustrations of the Horus-Ptah Theorem and 3-4-5 right angle triangles.

Focus of Learning: Squaring numbers and their historical origins. This session will build upon the previous session in relation to triangles and their mathematical origin in Africa (Kemet). The session will explore the relationship between human agency, multiplication and addition.

Session 4:

Resources: Visuals of Earth’s vibrations; Earth’s protective layers; carved concentric circles from Switzerland, Gabon, Spain and Ireland.

Focus of learning: Physics, Concentric Circles and the Earth. This session explores the global connections of ancient stone carved concentric circles in relation to physics and their connection to human relationships.

Session 5:

Resources: Visuals of Silbury Hill (UK); Nsude Pyramids (Nigeria); Bulgarian gold phile; Marlborough Mound (UK); Stepped Pyramid Kemet (Egypt).

Focus of learning: Concentric circles, people and pyramids. In this session, concentric circles (2D and 3D shapes) are explored within their geographical locations and their human agency.